January 19, 2008

Home Away From Home!!

I thought that I'd share a few pictures of my home away from home!!
I spend a big part of the day in my office, so I try to make it feel a bit like home!!
I work with some really neat girls!!
I want people to feel welcome when they come into my office!!
I hope you enjoy your home away from home!!

1 comment:

Little Town Big Life said...

I'm not showing my office!!! It's a MESS--I have to "house" cabinets for the supt & asst supt so their offices will look neater!!

Your office is really cute & friendly!

Yes, I am off on Monday (praise the Lord!!! ha ha), but will spend the afternoon shopping for food for a huge catering weekend!!! But, hey, that's fun work!

Have a great day off!!!

Friends that have dropped in to take a peek!!

Music to my ears!!!

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