August 16, 2008

College Move In Day!!

You know....from the time our children are little we strive to help them become responsible & independent people!
Well....this day has come way to soon for me!!
I feel like I still need more time....but the day has come for me to turn loose a little more than I really want to & send my first born to college!!
It was hard trying to decide how much stuff to take!!
I snuck into Nate's room this morning & took a picture of him sleeping...just like I did on his first day of Kindergarten!

We left bright & early so we would get a good parking spot!!
I'm grateful for cell phones.....It will be my life line to him!!

Collin was a good sport....he helped carry Nates stuff upstairs to his room!!
Of course Nathan thought I packed way too much stuff!!
I took some pictures to show how nice his room is....Not!!
It's funny how he doesn't even seem to notice how nasty the floor is....icky the paint is....crooked the mini blind is....etc!!
What matters to him is that he has good friends to share this new & exciting time in his life!!!
After we got him all unpacked....we headed over to the Student Union to get a few last minute things!!
Nate had to humor me one last time!!

This is an exciting, but scarey & sad time for us!!
We are proud of you Nate!!
Study hard & have fun!!

August 10, 2008

Not an Olympic Water Sport!!

Have you been watching the Olympics??
The Opening Ceremonies were "amazing"!!
The following are pictures of my Olympic hopefuls!!
The almost famous cliff divers!! Look out below!!
Their form might need a little tweeking!!
I give them a 10 for bravery & courage!!
We'll let the real athletes go for the Gold!!
I know who the real champions are in my life!!

Friends that have dropped in to take a peek!!

Music to my ears!!!

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